Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Oscars

The Oscars was on 2 night ago!!
The host was none other than Jimmy Kimmel. As his opening monologue, Jimmy took the liberty of talking about the nation and how we are all divided. Jimmy brings up an idea that if we all take a moment to call up someone that we disagree with politically and just have a conversation with that person, we can all come together. I could not have said it better myself. Way to go Jimmy!

For years now, Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon have been feuding. The feud of course is all for fun and games but Jimmy did not let the opportunity go to attack Damon on his choice of movie this year. Matt Damon produced one of the films being nominated— “Manchester by the Sea”. Rather than staring as the lead which would have earned him an Oscar, he chose to star in the blockbuster film “The Great Wall”—which for sure would not earn him an Oscars since the Academy only nominates films that are powerful but not a lot of people watch. Nothing and no one was off limit during his monologue. Jimmy went on to take jabs at the President—making fun of his tweeting rampages—and even other nominees like Meryl Streep—saying she was overrated and that this year the academy wrote her name down as a nominated out of habit, sarcastically of course.

Did anyone else watch the Oscars? If so, what did you think of Jimmy’s monologue or the entire show?